[SOLVED] InstallForge Error: could not archive file _bz2.pyd

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Posts: 2
Joined: 24 May 2023, 22:47

Hi Soner,

In Windows 11 Pro, Version 22H2, I was using InstallForge successfully with a small Python project yesterday.

Today, I am getting the following error from InstallForge:

could not archive file _bz2.pyd

Note this is immediately after running the following, to create a dist folder:
pyinstaller --windowed appname.py

The only thing(s) I am aware of that changed are:

a) I installed Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition, and

b) Later in the day, I was forced to get an update, which took over 30 minutes to complete.

Your thoughts / suggestions?

Posts: 2
Joined: 24 May 2023, 22:47

I figured it out. I had renamed a folder and had not updated the folder name in my project manifest for installForge. My bad!

Please remove my earlier post!

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